We looked for ways to implement quick and inexpensive changes. For example, minimize the use of plastic bottles and use refillable bottles instead.
These were of course just a few ideas, but there are certainly many more.
Take a look at our flyers. Best wishes from class 9a and Ms Steinmann.
In one of our English lessons with Ms. Steinmann we talked about the youth substance use trends. First we read a text about the youth drug use in Canada. We were shocked when we found out how
many teenagers in Canada are using drugs. Because of that, we made some presentations about how harmful drugs are. Some classmates also made a presentation about drug use in Germany. The
presentations were very exciting and informative. Our class really liked this English lesson, and we were happy to learn something new.
Leonora Prijovic, 10a
Here are some anti-drug campaign posters that we drew:
Tyler Walker our video friendship visited our class 7D
In the last few weeks, we had an English project. We asked Tyler Walker some questions (he hasn’t legs and is also a famous skier) in a video, and Tyler answered in a video too.
On Wednesday our
English teacher Mrs. Szepan brought Tyler with her to our class. We could ask him questions and we had lots of fun. In the end of the lesson we took photos, selfies and Tyler signed autographs.
One day before Tyler visited us we prepared some posters for him.
All in all it was really interesting and we wish him a lot of success for his career.
Catalina, 7D
In my opinion it was really nice that Tyler came to visit us (Thursday 6th July) I think he was very friendly. I liked the day with him because we had the chance to ask him some questions in real
life and not in a video. Although we did not have so many questions anymore because we asked the most important things in the video. So sometimes there were silence in the room but then there
were new questions to ask. I knew Tyler was excited and a little bit nervous but we were nervous too. It was really nice of him that he took the time to come and visit us in our
(Tyler Walker is a Paralympic skier without
Joy, 7D
Video friendship with Paralympics skier Tyler Walker from USA and class 7D
A few weeks ago, we’ve made a video for the Paralympics skier Tyler Walker. We asked him questions about his life without legs. A few days later Miss Szepan told us, that she had a video answer
from her friend Tyler Walker which he also posted on YouTube.
It was really emotional because we asked him private questions for example what is your biggest wish or how do you feel when you see other people running.
I think it wasn’t easy for him to talk
about all this.
The video was also a little bit funny because there was a little dog who sometimes barked that eased the mood a bit.
So I think it is a nice project and I like to do it
Catalina, 7D
In English our topic was “All about sports“. We talked about different kinds of sport, how often we do it and when and why we like to do our favorite sport. We created posters about our favorite
sport and put them on the wall in our class.
Our teacher Miss Szepan told us about her friend Tyler Walker who is in the USA Paralympics team. He is an excellent skier but he hasn’t got any legs.
We watched a video how Tyler skies without legs and started to search for information about him online. After that we prepared questions we would like to ask him about his life without legs,
about his career, about his feelings when he sees people running and about the different kinds of sport he does in the summer.
The best part of the project was when we did a video for him where we asked him all these questions. Now we are waiting for his video message.
I will update you when we have got a response from him …
(Sarafina Arlanda, 7d)
Viel Spaß hatten vor allem die Fünft- und Sechstklässler auf dem pinken EF-Bus, der im Rahmen einer Schultour auch unsere Schule besuchte. Ebenso viel Spaß aber hatten die Klassen, die im Unterricht von den muttersprachlichen EF-Lehrern besucht wurden und auf unterhaltsame Weise etwas über Feiertage in der ganzen Welt oder kulturelle Unterschiede erfuhren – alles natürlich nur auf Englisch. Zum Teil waren sie selbst erstaunt, was sie doch alles schon können, wenn Englisch tatsächlich die einzige Möglichkeit ist, sich zu verständigen. Damit haben die Schülerinnen in dieser Stunde nicht nur etwas über Landeskunde und möglicherweise ein paar neue Vokabeln gelernt – vor allem haben sie an Selbstbewusstsein gewonnen, was die Verständigung in Englisch angeht, und damit auch neue Motivation bekommen. Mal sehen, wie lange das anhält … aber nächstes Jahr können wir ja wieder an der Schultour teilnehmen.